The findings are summarized in Table 2. in saliva as well as serum. Keywords: ABH-iso-antibodies, bombay phenotype, secretions Introduction Iso-agglutinins to the ABH antigens are naturally occurring alloantibodies regularly found in plasma or serum of an individual lacking the corresponding antigen on red cells. The reciprocal relationship of these antibodies in serum to corresponding antigen on red cells helps in confirming the ABO blood group of a person and warrants the use of homologous blood in transfusion. Besides plasma, the ABO iso-antibodies have also been detected in other body fluids and secretions.[1C5] Badakere and Bhatia[6] found the low titer ABO agglutinins in saliva of Indians from Bombay. To the best of our knowledge, the antibodies to ABH antigens in milk/saliva from Bombay phenotype have not been reported so far. The present report Dicyclanil deals with such a study among mothers with the rare Bombay phenotype. Materials and Methods Blood (clotted), saliva and milk samples from recently delivered Bombay group women were collected in sterile containers and transported to the laboratory by maintaining an appropriate cold chain and tested for antibody reactivity on the same day of collection. The remainders of the serum, saliva and milk samples were kept frozen at ?20C for further studies. Native saliva, being hypotonic in nature, was diluted with equal volume of normal saline so as to obviate osmotic hemolysis in the test. Titer values Rabbit Polyclonal to Ik3-2 were obtained by semi-quantitative method using serial dilution of Dicyclanil fluid in normal saline. The red cells of appropriate ABO group were used in 2% concentration in normal saline. The test was incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes and results were read after centrifuging at 1000 rpm for 1 minute. For absorption studies, equal volumes of thrice washed packed red cells of appropriate ABO groups were mixed with the samples and incubated for 1 hour at room temperature. Absorbed samples were separated after hard centrifugation (3500 rpm for 5 minutes). Antibody elution was carried out by heat elution in 56C water-bath by heating the sensitized red cells that were washed thrice with chilled saline and suspended in 50% concentration. The immunoglobulin nature of the iso-agglutinins in milk was determined by the column chromatography technique.[7] Titration scores were calculated as per standard procedure.[8] Results The samples of the five Bombay phenotype mothers showed presence of anti-A, anti-B and anti-H in saliva and milk besides being present in serum. Anti-A and anti-B iso-agglutinin strength ranged between 1:32 and 1:512 in serum and between 1:16 and 1:512 in milk but there was no appreciable difference for anti-A, anti-B and anti-H in saliva (range between 1:2 and 1:8). The findings are summarized in Table 1. Table 1 ABH iso-antibody strength against group A1, B and O red cells in serum, milk and saliva from the mothers with Bombay phenotype
Sho364128212825621285124Ros3645122645122165122Lal50323243232432324Kam90512328512328512328Apa9025616425616464324 Open in a separate window #day after post partum Iso-antibodies were found to be in Dicyclanil higher concentration in milk than in serum samples of the mothers Sho and Ros who were tested within three days postpartum. There was no difference in levels of iso-antibody in Lal, who was tested after 50 days of delivery. Interestingly, the mothers Kam and Apa, whose samples were collected 90 days after delivery, showed a remarkable shift for higher titer values in serum as compared to milk. Salivary iso-agglutinins, though uniformly detected as low titer antibodies in all the 5 mothers tested, did not show such a shift in their antibody strength [Figure ?[Figure11C3]. Open in a separate window Figure 1 Titer scores for anti-A in serum,.