Manifestation of COX-2 (Number ?(Figure1),1), examined using monoclonal anti-COX-2 antibody, was revealed in 66 instances (80.5%); 27 tumors (32.9%) indicated COX-2 at 1+ level, 39 at 2+ level (47.6%), and 16 instances (19.5%) were COX-2 negative (in 3 samples, a sufficient amount of neoplastic tissue was not available for IH analysis, and analysis of COX-2 manifestation using monoclonal NCT-501 antibody was not performed). antibody (= 0.019). No correlations between COX-2 manifestation levels and grade (G), tumor (T) status and nodal (N) status were shown. Low histological grade showed a strong association with a longer OS ( 0.001). Correlation of survival and T status exposed a shorter OS in T3 tumors, but NCT-501 the results reached only marginal statistical significance (= 0.070). In the multivariate Cox proportional risks regression model, histological grade, T and N status remained useful predictors of a worse survival with borderline significance for T [risks percentage (HR) = 4.18 for G (if G = 3, 0.001); HR = 1.64 for T (if T = 3, = 0.065); HR = 2.53 for N (if N = 1, = 0.006)]. Higher grade, T or N status was associated with a worse OS. Summary: The immunohistochemically NCT-501 assessed level of COX-2 manifestation does not seem to represent a valuable independent prognostic element and is not superior to the conventional prognostic factors. = 85) 0.05. All analyses were carried out using Statistica for Windows 8.0. RESULTS Patient, tumor and treatment characteristics, and levels of COX-2 manifestation are summarized in Table ?Table1.1. The immunohistochemical analysis of COX-2 manifestation displayed substantial heterogeneity in staining intensity and percentage of positive cells between and within individual PDAC instances. In instances with heterogeneous COX-2 manifestation within a lesion, the average immunoscore for such a case was counted. Using both monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, the PDAC cells showed diffuse cytoplasmic patterns of manifestation. Manifestation of COX-2 (Number ?(Figure1),1), examined using monoclonal anti-COX-2 antibody, was revealed in 66 instances (80.5%); 27 tumors (32.9%) indicated COX-2 at 1+ level, 39 at 2+ level (47.6%), and 16 instances (19.5%) were COX-2 negative (in 3 samples, a sufficient amount of neoplastic tissue was not available for IH analysis, and analysis of COX-2 manifestation using monoclonal antibody was not performed). Results of immunohistochemical analysis of COX-2 manifestation by polyclonal antibody were retrieved from our earlier study[38] and are included in Table ?Table11 [28 tumors (32.9%) indicated COX-2 at 1+ level, 31 at 2+ level (36.5%), and 26 instances (30.6%) were COX-2 negative]. Open in a separate window Number 1 Overexpression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in pancreatic invasive ductal adenocarcinoma with displayed perineural spreading of the tumor (COX-2 immunohistochemistry, initial magnification, 100). The median CDC25B overall survival (OS) in the study populace was 1.3 years. There was no significant difference between OS in males and females (median OS 1.1 years in males 1.3 years in females; = 0.143). Concerning nodal (N) status, N1 status was associated with shorter median OS (1.0 year in N1 group 1.5 years in N0 group; = 0.102). Median OS for individuals with adjuvant therapy was 1.4 years, and for individuals without adjuvant therapy 1.3 years. The median disease free survival (DFS) for individuals with adjuvant therapy was 0.8 years, and for patients without adjuvant therapy 0.7 years. Variations did not reach statistical significance. No correlations between the levels of COX-2 manifestation (using both monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies) and the histological grade, T or nodal status were exposed. In the Kaplan-Meier analysis, no significant correlations were found between the levels of COX-2 manifestation and OS (again using both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies). However, trends to longer median OS were found in COX-2 negative instances (1.4 years in COX-2 negative 1.3 years in low expressors 1.0 NCT-501 in high expressors) using monoclonal antibody. Correlating the levels of COX-2 manifestation and DFS; using polyclonal antibodies, styles to longer median DFS were found in COX-2 negative instances (1 year in COX-2 bad 0.7 years in low expressors 0.5 years in high expressors), but these values were not significant (= 0.211); using monoclonal antibody, a statistically significant correlation was found between.
Manifestation of COX-2 (Number ?(Figure1),1), examined using monoclonal anti-COX-2 antibody, was revealed in 66 instances (80